Friday, January 20, 2012

Blog Update & Your Suggestions Needed

What does the above picture have to do with this post? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

News coming up, but first, I want to say a quick thanks to all who read The Sweet South Blog. Your encouragement to and patience for this novice writer is unspeakably appreciated. :) I have enjoyed our Fridays together going through the Women of the Bible and look forward to many more.

We've got a few changes coming up. Due to several sweetly urging readers, I've decided to devote more time to finishing my first manuscript, which is currently hovering in scenic nostalgia until I can put it into words. So, the Encouragement From Women of the Bible series will now be posted only once a month, the first Friday of each month. Next post will go up Friday, Feb. 3. With Valentine's Day coming up, our guest will be Gomer, Hosea's wife. What in the ever-loving-piece-of-heart-confetti does she have to do with St. Valy Day? Read the post and find out! :)

I've run out of your previous suggestions for guests to interview, so I need some feedback from you, dear reader. Below are a few Biblical women who are possible candidates for future posts. If you will let me know from whom you would like to hear, I'll make those priority. Feel free to suggest any women not mentioned.

Abigail - a wife of King David
Hannah - Samuel's Mother
Shunammite Woman - 2 Kings 4:8-44 (not to be confused with the Shulamite woman in Song.) 
Dinah - Judah's Daughter
Euodias & Syntyche
Jochebed - Moses' Mother
Miriam - Moses' Sister
Elisabeth - Mother of John the Baptist


  1. I agree!! Finish the manuscript. You are very, very talented.

    1. So far I haven't set a goal or date for finishing. Maybe I should, though. Thank you for your encouragement!! It helps so much!!!


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