Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Kate Middleton's Secret

Don't we all love a good fairy tale? "And they lived happily ever after" are some of my favorite words. When something special like that happens in real life, the whole world watches. 

With the announcement of a new baby, the Duchess of Cambridge is once again under the scrutiny of the world's snoopy little eyes. :)

Kate Middleton is admired all over the world for her trim figure, impeccable posture and enviable wardrobe. But those traits alone don't create the magnetism, criticism, and mimicry inspired by this lovely young lady.

What's her secret, then? Why is she so special? 

What can we learn from her?

 Let's look at some basic things we know about Kate:

1. She's royal. *snort* Well, that kills the hope of any of us "non-royals" ever truly becoming like her, doesn't it? As if there's an abundance of available, kindhearted, lonely princes in the world waiting around for that "normal girl" to sweep them off their feet. Or what if you've already found that drop-dead gorgeous love of your life and sweet heavens to Betsy you discover he's not a blue-blood! What then? Are you doomed to eternal ordinariness? Not so fast, Miss Snarky-pants. :) If you're a child of God, you have become royalty via His stellar adoption program. (John 1:12, Revelation 19:16) ***To learn more about becoming a child of God, click here.

2. She knows she's royal. Catherine lives in light of this fact every single day. From the moment she wakes in the morning to the moment she falls asleep at night, this princess business is her life. If we as Christians lived each second of our lives in the light of our royal redemption, I mean really patterned our life around that truth, how would we live differently? How would we feel differently about ourselves and others?

3. She loves the people.  Now, I don't keep up with European politics as religiously as others I know, so I'm no expert. But Kate seems to truly care about her kingdom. Here's where it gets tricky for us. Christ says for us to love each other in John 13:34. And as God loves the people of the world (John 3:16), so should we, because we are to be like Him. But other people won't always love us. As with everyone who tries to stand for anything, there will be criticism. I'm sure Kate faces it daily. But she keeps serving, because it's her job, and because she loves her prince. :) Which segues nicely into the next point.
4. She's loved by a prince. Haven't you seen the pics of them together? He adores her, and she knows it. She's confident in his love for her. We, too, can be confident our Prince of Peace loves us--Jeremiah 31:3 & Zephaniah 3:17. 

So yeah, these things make her special, but what is her secret?


Come a little closer. 


*whispers*  She's real. 

Now, I know what you're thinking... "What? That's the big secret? Natalie, it's time for a reality check. WE ALREADY KNEW THAT, CRACKERJACK." 

Okay, not "real" as in opposed to fake or make-believe. What I mean is, she started out as an ordinary girl. She's relatable. That's the secret. That's what makes her special. 

Why? Because she brings into reality the fantastic dream that we don't have to be born "royal" for someone royal to love us. That maybe, just maybe, we can be loved just as we are, in spite of our not starting out perfect.

In other words, she makes every other ordinary girl feel like we could be a princess, too.

You know what? We can. God has made a way for each and every person to be "joint-heirs with Christ." Anyone can be royalty!

B-b-but... If just any old gal (or guy) can be royal through Christ, doesn't that take away the specialness? Nope. Because the specialness isn't determined by how many of us there are. The specialness comes from Him to whom we belong, Who loves us. :) He is what's special, and He loves us individually. That, in turn, makes us special. 

What about you? When you were little, did you dream of becoming a princess or at least enjoy princess stories? What did you enjoy most about them? Fancy dresses? The rags-to-riches tales? Princes? The way baddies always got their comeuppance? Fairies? Castles? Adventure?

Tweet It!

Kate Middleton's Secret, via @nataliedmonk. Click to tweet.

Happily Ever Afters For Free, via @nataliedmonk. Click to tweet. 

Can Fairy Tales Happen In 2014? Asks @nataliedmonk. Click to tweet.

*This post was written for educational and entertainment purposes and does not in any way intend to religify British royalty or determine their personal beliefs. This content is simply used for a word-picture comparison, to bring encouragement. And maybe a good laugh.


  1. This post is so clever! You make so many smart points. Love, love it! I grew up with three sisters, and we all loved Disney princesses. One of my favorite movies is Princess Diaries.
    So yeah, I can relate to this post. :)

  2. Ah! I love my one sister so much! I can't imagine the fun + chaos that would ensue with three!!!! :D Ever feel like Austen's Bennet sisters? :)
    I LOVE the Princess Diaries! Especially the second one. In fact, I think you just threw a movie craving on me. LOL.

  3. Hello Natalie Monk. So good to know you through your profile on the blogger. I am also glad to stop by your blog "Natalie Monk" and the post on it "Kate Maddleton's Secret". I am glad to know that your writng is for bringing glory to God. I am also more pleased to know that your are a Preacher's kid who is growing in the Lord. Well I am also preacher's kid and have been in the Pastoral ministry for last 35yrs in the great city of Mumbai, India, a city with great contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live. We reach out to the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the broken hearted. We also encourage young people as well as adults from the West to come to Mumbai on a short/ long term missions trip to work with us during their summer/ christmas vacation. We would love to have you come to Mumbai on as short / long term missions trip to work with us. You can stay with us while you come with your friends. My email id is : dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede. Looking forward to hear from you very soon. God's richest blessings on you. Praying for you as you seek God's directions.

  4. Hi, Diwakar.

    Welcome to my blog! I appreciate your coming by to comment and am so glad you enjoyed the post.

    I will pray for your mission work that you will accomplish great things for Jesus Christ there in Mumbai.


  5. Awesome analogy!!
    Just so you know, I nominated this for I'd Like To Share at
    When I was little I like princesses, but kinda grew out of it. I do love the Princess Diaries though :D

  6. Hi, Ashley!

    Yep. Princess Diaries is always on my "watch again" shelf. :)

    What a delightful surprise! I stumbled upon the YAPD blog months ago, but forgot to bookmark. Then I forgot the blog name. :s Thanks very much for your nomination and helping me find the blog again! Haha!


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