Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Tiffany Amber Stockton: Grace Braxton Character Interview

Please welcome inspirational historical romance author Tiffany Amber Stockton. She has brought with her Grace Baxton, the heroine in book 2 of Brandywine Brides (Stealing Hearts), who will be answering a few fun questions for us.

Has anything significant happened in your life in the past two weeks?

I would have to answer that in the affirmative, as we had a thief break into our home and steal a treasured family heirloom book, among other items. The judge sentenced him to work for my father, and since I have to see him almost every day, I am constantly reminded of what he did to us. Forgiveness is not an easy thing in such circumstances.

What is your most embarrassing moment?

I am still embarrassed to even report this to you and relive the event, but there was a day I had gone down to my father’s shipyard to visit Andrew and he wasn’t fully garbed due to the work he was doing on one of the ships. In fact, he wore only his shirtwaist and breeches, and he actually caught me staring at him. I was so flustered, I momentarily forgot what it was I had come to tell him. He has not allowed me to forget that moment so easily.

What is your first reaction when you meet a handsome gentleman? Blush? Stutter? Run? Flirt? Engage them in intelligent or witty conversation? Start an argument to see how they handle anger? Offer a helping hand? Ask a friend what they know about him?

Initially, I often do not speak unless first presented with a question or introduction of some fashion, as I do not wish to appear forward or lacking manners. Once an introduction is made, engaging the handsome gentleman in conversation often comes quite easily to me as long as the topics remain polite. It is the personal topics where I find myself stuttering or avoiding an appropriate response.

Do you have any grandparent figures in your life? How have they influenced you?

Yes. Aunt Charlotte’s mother and father live not too far away from us, and they visit often. Recently, I have been spending a lot of time with Grandmother Pringle in place of a ladies’ finishing school, as she was once an instructor in one. Aunt Charlotte thought it would be prudent to have me learn from Grandmother instead of sending me away, and I am truly grateful.

Siblings? How many? Do you get along?

Unfortunately, I do not have any siblings, as my parents both died when I was young. Uncle Richard and Aunt Charlotte have two children, though, and we have been raised together. I must say, it is both a challenge and a delight to live with my cousins. They do get themselves into the most peculiar circumstances sometimes, but when they are not getting into mischief, they are great friends and confidantes.

What are your hobbies?

I absolutely love to read, and my mother has taught me to play the piano as well as sew and crochet. My mother has also recently begun teaching me to quilt, though Grandmother Pringle has a much more refined skill at this, so she spends more time with me. Mother has her hands full with my two cousins anyway.

What is your dearest dream?

I am not certain this will ever happen, but I would dearly love to see Aunt Charlotte’s bookshop open again. She does not seem to have much interest, though, and every time I speak of it, she changes the subject. I gather there is a secret somewhere I am not being told, and from the looks on her face, it might be some time before I discover what that secret is. I am determined to not give up on this dream, though, even if it means I have to wait several years before seeing it happen.

Do you have any current romantic interests?

Although I avoided it in every way possible initially, I must say this Mr. Bradenton is growing on me. I am beginning to believe he isn’t the thief he seemed when we first met, and instead, comes from a rather cultured life. It is fascinating discovering more about him—if only he wasn’t also such an infuriating gentleman.

What is your worst fear?

For a great deal of my life, I found the lives of others more fascinating than my own. Some might consider me a busybody, and others have been known to be angered at my interference. It is really me attempting to find my place and determine who I am or what I do best. My worst fear is those I love might misunderstand me and not wish to be in my company, or worse yet, they would be angered by something I have done and do everything within their power to avoid me. After losing both of my parents and not having any siblings, my only wish is to find a place of belonging with my family. Perhaps if I can locate the missing items stolen from us, I can prove to everyone how much I love them and that my involvement in their lives is only to show that love.

Are there any hardheaded people in your life right now? What’s the issue?

Do you mean stubborn or determined to be correct in everything they say or do? I would have to say that is Aunt Bethany, Aunt Charlotte’s older sister. She is meticulous down to the minutest detail. If you ask others though, they would say I am the stubborn one. I suppose some of it comes from my family relations.
Thank you so much for answering these questions, Grace!

Here's Amber:

research tidbits: From the first day I began digging deeper into research in historical Delaware, I discovered a treasure trove of unique facts and details impossible to cover in a brief blog appearance. One thing I can say, though, is when asked what I write, I often reply with historical fiction containing romance. This means my books are classified as romance, but the romance is only what keeps the two main characters flowing in each book. The historical tidbits and happenings are the core of each story, and I love being able to showcase some lesser known details somewhere in the pages of my novels for my readers to discover. That being said, I hope you enjoy delving into each of these 3 books contained in this anthology. May your knowledge of Delaware history be increased and perhaps your desire to learn more as a result.

blurb:  —Bound by Love and Literature—

Discover the booming industry of the Wilmington riverfront in historical Delaware during the Gilded Age, and share in the journey of an heirloom book as it brings together three couples in the Brandywine River Valley.

Nestled amid the beauty of historical Delaware, three generations of bookstore owners find love grows out of a shared love for great literature. Charlotte Pringle is pressured by her parents to marry advantageously, but while Richard Baxton loves her, he cannot provide for her because all his finances go to help his niece walk again. Grace Baxton is on the search for a missing heirloom book. Andrew Bradenton offers to help her, but his past mistakes cast him in a suspicious light, even while a dashing suitor catches Grace’s eye. After the loss of his friend and her brother on the Titanic, Aaron Stone encourages Lillian Bradenton to restore her hope by bringing a boarded-up bookstore back to life. Will each woman’s literature-inspired dreams lead her to the right man of faith and devotion?

author bio: Tiffany Amber Stockton has been crafting and embellishing stories since childhood, when she was accused of having a very active imagination and cited with talking entirely too much. Today, she has honed those childhood skills to become an award-winning author and speaker who has partnered with Nerium International in the anti-aging skin care industry, helping others look younger and live better. She lives with her husband and fellow author, Stuart Vaughn Stockton, in Colorado. They have one girl and one boy, a Retriever mix named Roxie and and Australian cattle dog named Timber. She has sold seventeen (17) books so far and is represented by agent Sandra Bishop of the TransAtlantic Agency. You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Tiffany has graciously offered a giveaway of her book. To enter, comment with your email in the following spam-free format: email (at) address (dot) com.

For extra entries, tell us you followed us on social media (if you follow on more than one site, tell us which). Drawing will be held at 8pm Central Time Feb. 13, so feel free to enter until then. Winner will be announced in a post on Valentine's Day! :)


  1. I'd like to find out if they find the right man of faith and devotion? Enjoyed meeting you today.
    dkstevensAT outlook Dot(Com)

  2. Hi, Deanna! Me, too! Don't you just love that book description? :)

    Best wishes in giveaway!

  3. This book looks very interesting!

  4. Hi, Marisa! Doesn't it, though? I love that cover. Beautiful country. Makes me want to visit. I'll enter you in the drawing!

  5. This book sounds very interesting!

  6. I would so love to win your book and thank you for this contest. I would love to read for the first time a book including historical Delaware and a Christian book by a new author for me. Thanks for this opportunity to enter. Mary Lou K

  7. Deanna, Marisa, and Mary Lou, thank you for stopping by, and for your comments. I appreciate your support!


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