Monday, July 11, 2016

Character Interview ~ WITHIN THE VEIL by Brandy Vallance

Quick and Important Announcement: Instead of continuing to accidentally forget to post blog posts then trying to catch up, I'm going to take off from posting blogs through the end of July (this month), starting back up with my Q & A post on August 1. Thanks! (If you want to contribute to the Q & A post, ask a random question in the comments below--it'll give you bonus points in the giveaway!)

They never should have met. But they might be made for each other.

Feya Broon, a Scottish half-gypsy, knows what it is to go hungry. Trapped in the Edinburgh tenements with a father lost to his past and only the faded memory of her mother’s faith, Feya is desperate to provide for her siblings. When an ill-conceived plan leads to thievery, she finds herself in the last place she'd ever want to be—captured by a palace guard. But there's something about this man that tears at every preconceived notion she's even had about the haughty English.

Alasdair Cairncross never dreamed he’d be forced to transport a gypsy woman halfway across the wilds of Scotland. The timing is disastrous, considering his fiancĂ©e’s imminent arrival and his father’s political goals. Not only that, but the fiery young woman threatens to lay bare secrets Alasdair would rather keep hidden. And yet the farther they travel together, the less concerned he finds himself with duty—both to the crown and to the plans his family has for him.

As their walls begin to crumble, Feya and Alasdair must fight to survive a decades-old feud, a Highland kidnapping, and the awakening of their own hearts. 

 You can buy a copy here!

Hey, everybody. Natalie here. Y'all may remember my review of The Covered Deep, also written by Brandy Vallance. That book was easily the best I read in 2015. Now I'm excited to be reading Within the Veil! Brandy has agreed to let me interview Alasdair Cairncross, hero of Within the Veil. Enjoy!

Mr. Cairncross, has anything significant happened in your life in the past two weeks?

Indeed. My life has been invaded by a red haired, fiery Gypsy. I hardly know what to think anymore. Since that distressing incident in the woods . . . And then the cave . . . I find myself thinking the most disturbing thoughts. Life-altering thoughts. I am a man in a very dangerous predicament.

What is your first reaction when you meet a fetching lady?

A gentleman must know how to properly employ a smile. I do believe I’m quite good at that, at least Queen Victoria thinks so. And what more does a man need besides the approval of his sovereign?

Are there any children or pets in your life? What do you love about them?

My horse has been with me through two wars, the African sand, and the vexatious Scottish rain. I am proud to say that my horse is one of the finest in Her Majesty’s kingdom. How a man takes care of his horse is very telling of his character. Apart from that disastrous incident on the road to Stirling . . . No, I shant mention that. It’s not worth mentioning at all.

What are your hobbies?

Hobbies? Do you mean to imply that a man would let his mind go to waste in vain pursuits? When I do find myself in need of diversion—which is rarely—I read The Dictionary of National Biography. Fifty-five thousand entries does lend a certain point of convergence for the mind…No matter how many times I read the A section, the excerpt on Sir Robert Abercromby is especially entertaining. And the bit about Andrew Amos is probably the best two pages of the entire volume. After all, the man wrote all the laws of England down for posterity. What nobler cause could there be than that?

Any current romantic interests?

Indeed. I’m an engaged man. That is a fact I have had to remind myself over and over again these last few days . . .

Brandy Vallance fell in love with the Victorian time period at a young age, loving the customs, manners, and especially the intricate rules of love. Since time travel is theoretically impossible, she lives in the nineteenth century vicariously through her novels. Unaccountable amounts of black tea have fueled this ambition. Brandy's love of tea can only be paralleled by her love of Masterpiece Theater Classics, deep conversations, and a good book. Brandy is the 2013 Operation First Novel winner and the 2012 winner of the ACFW Genesis Contest for historical romance. Her critically acclaimed novel, The Covered Deep, has been featured in USA TODAY and Writer's Digest. You can connect with Brandy via her website, Facebook, Goodreads, Pinterest, YouTube, or Twitter @BrandyVallance. 

Brandy has generously offered to giveaway an e-copy of her book, Within the Veil! Enter in the comments with your email in the following spam-free format: (emailATserverDOTcom). 

For an extra entry: if you have a question for the "Ask Me Anything" post going up August 1, ask in the comments of any post, and I'll do my best to answer! We're still needing a few more questions, so anything you ask will be fun! All you have to do is ask a random question, and I'll answer on the blog. Ask away! 


  1. I love the Cover and would love to win the book!!! CANNOT WAIT TO READ IT!!! :) Are you working on another book?

    1. Oops I forgot my email address... lmedeirosrn(at)gmail(dot)com

  2. Can't wait to read it!! Email: (Don't judge, I made it when I was 12)

  3. I LOVE the cover! Would love to win a copy!

    Extra entry: At what age did you decide to become an author?


  4. LOVE the cover! Would love to win a copy of this book!

    Extra entry: At what age did you decide to become an author?


  5. I loved the Covered Deep! And I can't wait to read this novel.
    Email: hsnyder(at)liberty(dot)com

  6. The Covered Deep was AMAZING! I'm looking forward to reading this one!
    psalm103and138 at gmail dot com

    NATALIE, if you could have a pet real or imagined, what would it be and why?

  7. Sorry to comment twice, I realized I formatted my email incorrectly. frogfriend08ATyahooDOTcom

  8. How fun! Looking forward to reading this one. Thanks for the giveaway, too! For the bonus q & a question, what inspires your story ideas? Thanks! DanandlyndaedwardsATmsnDOTcom.

  9. Oohs this book sounds wonderful!!! The cover has such spirit and movement! Thanks for having the giveaway! What do your book shelves look like...very organized or overflowing with books?


  10. I love the storyline, gypsy love still? Awesome!

    I read then pass my books on. Do you or just keep them?

    missionwife AT hotmail DOT com

  11. What a fun perspective! ohiohomescholATgmailDOTcom

    Q & A Do you have any input on the cover of this or any of your books?

  12. I love character interviews - thanks for the great post! And that cover is gorgeous.

    Do you like to reread books? If so, what are some favorites?


  13. --LISA! Thanks for stopping by! Got your double entry--can't wait to answer your question in the Q&A post!

    --Hi, ABBY! Thanks for coming by and entering!

    --LIENTJE, thanks so much for your entry and your extra entry question! Best wishes in the giveaway!

    --ENGLISHMYSTERIESBLOG, I'm so excited to read this book, too, Heather! Something went wrong with my copy from NetGalley and I never got it from them, but I still plan to read it! This girl can't miss a Brandy Vallance novel!

    --CARYL! Thanks for coming and entering! And thanks bunches for that extra entry question--adding it to the questions list!

    --LYNDA! Thanks for entering and asking a question! Got you down for 2 entries! Can't wait to answer your question in the Q&A post!

    --Thanks for entering, ROSE!! And for asking that cool bookish question!! I'll have you an answer next week!

    --Thanks for the double entry question, Melody! Can't wait to answer it next week! Best wishes!

    --Hi, OHIOHOMESCHOOL! Thanks for the double entry!

    --RACHEL! Thank you so much for reading the interview and entering with a double entry question! You're awesome! Love that question, too. Can't wait to answer it next week!


Let's chat!