Blackberries. Mosquito bites.
Homemade ice cream. Water hose fights.
Sleeping under a fan at night.
Winter's stars weren't quite this bright.
-- NDM
I love summer, but to me it's the busiest of times. In light of that, I'll not be posting fiction for the next couple months. However, I will write something. It may be sentimental, instructional, devotional, or comical, who knows? ;) Also, we'll begin posting on the first Thursday of the month, instead of Friday, and see how that goes.
Today, we have quotes from the insightful, fire-refined Elisabeth Elliot. After reading her book Passion and Purity for the first time last month, I was convicted, encouraged, affirmed, and challenged. I wanted to share a bit of that with you, so here are a few quotes:
“The things that we feel most deeply we ought to learn to be silent about, at least until we have talked them over thoroughly with God.”
“Wait on God. Keep your mouth shut. Don’t expect anything until the declaration is clear and forthright.”
“I do know that waiting on God requires the willingness to bear uncertainty, to carry within oneself the unanswered question, lifting the heart to God about it whenever it intrudes upon one’s thoughts. Its easy to talk oneself into a decision that has no permanence – easier sometimes than to wait patiently.”
“I realized that the deepest spiritual lessons are not learned by His letting us have our way in the end, but by His making us wait, bearing with us in love and patience until we are able to honestly to pray what He taught His disciples to pray: Thy will be done.”
“If we hold tightly to anything given to us unwilling to allow it to be used as the Giver means it to be used we stunt the growth of the soul. What God gives us is not necessarily "ours" but only ours to offer back to him, ours to relinquish, ours to lose, ours to let go of, if we want to be our true selves. Many deaths must go into reaching our maturity in Christ, many letting goes.”
― Elisabeth Elliot
Happy June!!!!